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La Fira està orientada al PÚBLIC EN GENERAL, FANS INCONDICIONALS DELS SEUS GRUPS I AUTORS PREDILECTES, i enfocada també als experts BIBLIÒFILS devoradors de la música i la lectura. I com no pot ser d'altra manera als EDITORS, LLIBRETERS, PROFESSIONALS DEL SECTOR i el foto-periodisme musical. Els fotògrafs especialitzats a retratar la música en viu. Un festival on trobaràs PRESENTACIONS DE LLIBRES, DEBATS, CONFERÈNCIES I CLASSES MAGISTRALS. També neix el PREMI CURT DE RELAT MUSICAL i el PREMI FOTOGRÀFIC DE MÚSICA EN VIU. A més, trobaràs activitats com CONCERTS I DJS i EXPOSICIONS de fotografia especialitzada.


And it is a specialized Musical Literature Festival   -with ambition and international projection- and it is also a NEW BOOK FAIR and USED,   by the devourers of music embodied in literature. And it is a festival dedicated to music journalists and musicians who have become writers and have concerns in this regard. There is room for authors whose work revolves around music, whatever their specialty.

And in this sense, the BOOK MUSIC FESTIVAL will do everything possible to ensure that all - or as many - musical genres are represented there. Examples? "Las Leyes de la Frontera" (Javier Cercas), "Història d'un piano" (Ramon Gener), "Trainspotting" (Irvin Welsh) or "Harto de todo" Oral history of punk in the city of Barcelona 1979-1987" (Jordi Llançamà). How can the "drawn music" of Carlos Azagra or Jaunjo Sáez be present from the illustration and the comic. The luck is that the list of authors and the production is endless, and the quality and level too. In short, the AUTHOR's professional sector, in connection with the music industry. Together, they leave a primordial legacy in the country's music history, and for those to come.

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